

AGM save the date + Spring update from ECID

This October, we hold our Annual General Meeting (AGM 2023) to review the year’s activities and begin our planning for 2024/25. We hope all our members can attend. Non-members still have time to register. The new City of Cape Town CID by-law and policy came into effect on 1 July and that is available to view online.

Some good news for ECID: we have recently employed a law enforcement officer from the City to work with our own public safety officers and patrol team. We have also made progress in the Bonteheuwel PTI development. And in other news from Epping CID, the Business Retention and Expansion programme has launched and is rolling out its first workshops.

Lastly, the recent bout of storms and cold fronts experienced in the Cape have certainly added to the work of the CIDs, in particular in the way of road maintenance and fallen trees. We’d like to remind you at this time to assist us in providing effective service by logging a service request for any faults encountered.

Read more below.

Our AGM is coming up

All stakeholders are invited to a review of the year’s activities and planning for 2024/25.

Resolutions presented at the AGM can only be voted for by bonafide members. All non-members wishing to take part must be registered before 13 October.

View all AGM documents here.

AGM Details

Tuesday, 24 October 2023, 10:00
24 Gunners Circle, Epping 1

New CID By-law Policy

The new CID by-law policy came into effect from 1 July, which serves “To provide for the establishment of City Improvement Districts; to provide for additional rates; and to provide for matters incidental thereto.”

The City of Cape Town’s by-law and policy regarding the establishment and management of City Improvement Districts has gone through several iterations over the years since the concept of a CID was first tested in the year 2000.

The latest revisions of the by-law and policy comes as more than 50 CIDs are now in operation.

The by-law is available to download online here at

Business Retention Expansion Epping

Business Retention & Expansion programme

This May, the Business Retention & Expansion Programme was launched in Epping. We’d like to thank those of you who attended and participated in the survey. The first workshops with business and property owners will be taking place starting from this month, unpacking the areas of priority with the City for analysis to speak to the challenges and potential solutions. The areas of focus include road infrastructure management, safety and security, the informal settlement opposite the Cape Town market, and the process of acquiring the railway sidings running between the properties in the industrial areas.

According to Invest Cape Town, “The initiative, managed by the Business Retention & Expansion Branch housed within the Investment Facilitation Branch (IFB), in the Enterprise and Investment Department in partnership with the Stikland Industrial City Improvement District, will assist large and small businesses in the area to strategise their operations and, where possible, help to expedite their development.” Read more about this here.

Bonteheuwel PTI update

We are in a continuous process of engaging both the City as well as PRASA and Metrorail with regards the formalisation of the Bonteheuwel Station Precinct on the Epping Improvement District side. Bonteheuwel Station doesn’t have a formal precinct here, resulting in an informal transport interchange with an interaction between taxis, commuters entering the industrial area and the train station. We are working towards a long-term plan to formalise the precinct through a multi-governmental agency approach to make it more user-friendly, to formalise the activities and to improve the safety on the precinct.

New law enforcement officer for Epping

In many of our CIDs, we utilise the opportunity to employ, on contract from the City, a law enforcement officer. They are then placed by Law Enforcement in that CID to work alongside the public safety team of the CID. For several years, the Epping CID did not have the service of a law enforcement officer. We have now rectified that situation by employing a law enforcement officer, who often patrols the area with our patrol officers in one of our patrol vehicles.

The law enforcement officer has the ability to deal with by-law infringements as well as non-moving traffic violations. Should it be necessary, that officer also has the power of arrest to assist us should there be an incident. We are very grateful to now have the backing of the City in this in order to improve the effectiveness of our public safety efforts in the Epping City Improvement District.

Logging a service request with the City

You too can assist with urban management and the growing number of faults and service requests that the City and WID deal with on a daily basis. By reporting water and electricity faults and other maintenance requirements such as potholes, missing road signs or blocked stormwater drains, through the correct channels, we and the City are able to attend to these service requests and log their status in an effective way.

There are multiple channels through which you can do this – the easiest being the online portal at, which is also now available in the City of Cape Town mobile app.

View all the steps to log a service request on the flyers below.

Cape Town winter storm

Are You Ready to Go with the Cape Town Winter Flow? Essential Tips for a Smooth Season + Loadshedding Updates from the City

As the chilly and wet winter season approaches, it’s time to prepare ourselves for the unique challenges and delights that it brings.

From the brisk air to the rain-soaked streets, Cape Town winter demands our attention and readiness. Here, we explore practical tips to help you navigate the winter months with ease. From maintaining your home and business’ functionality to prioritising safety on the roads, these essential suggestions will ensure you’re well-prepared to go with the flow this winter. Let’s dive in and discover how to make the most of the wet season while keeping everything running smoothly.

Cape Town winter readiness tips

Continue reading →

Load Curtailment

The ECID hereby provides the following information regarding the Load curtailment program, currently localised to the Bofors 2 node:

Join the conversation on What’s App for latest updates.

We hereby include the below information as recieved:

Power-Star have been appointed as the Operator for the Bofors 2 nodes and will be driving this process with all participants going forward. 

Next Steps:

  1. Complete the CoCT application form (attached)
  2. Complete Power-Star Load Curtailment agreement (Attached)
  3. Install Power-Star meters (only applicable to those who do not have Power-Star meters currently installed)
  4. Set up of Node performance on Powerstar platform and group communication (This is for our responsibility)

For the installation of Power-Star meters:

Option 1:

  • We supply you with the meters and you have your own electrical contractor or personnel install the meters. For this, we would need to know how many meters will be required for supply.

Option 2:

  • We can supply and install the meters but would need to do site inspections.
  • We will set a day or two aside early next week for the site inspections.
  • The cost for the site inspection will be R1000 ex vat
  • After the site inspection quote for the meter supply and installation will be sent through.
  • Please confirm who would prefer this option so we can book it in.

To contact Power-Star

Chris Geary –  Operations Manager

c 083 444 3320

t  021 975 4529


Load Curtailment Service Agreement

Application Form – Curtailment Programme – v2022 1.2

Loadshedding Curtailment Infographics (06.06.2022) v5 (1)

Technical Guidelines – Load Curtailment Programmev1.2

Cooldrink Donation from Anchor Yeast


Langa Baptist Church                           Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel

Anchor Yeast very kindly donated 486 x 60 x 5g sachets of Thirst Buster flavored drink sachets to the ECID to be handed over the Langa Baptist Church and Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel. With the hot weather we are having this has been a very welcome donation. Collecting for the Langa Baptist Church, Andiswa & Selby, collecting for Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel, Cheslyn & Reverend Quinton.

The ECID wish to convey our thanks to Anchor Yeast for their kind donation.

New Business Hub for Epping’s Informal Traders



During December 2021, Epping’s informal traders moved into their new state-of-the-art premises located inside the Epping Fresh Produce Market (Cape Town Market), this, after almost 30 years of trading on Gunners Circle.

The informal traders will be able to use this as a safe trading and storage facility as well as a place from which they can provide sufficient and nutritious range of fruit and vegetables at low prices in consumer-friendly packs to communities on a day-to-day basis.

The informal traders are mostly private individuals who buy in bulk from agents inside the market and break produce down into smaller-size packs for resale to housewives and township hawkers.

This is a venture between the City of Cape Town and the Epping Fresh Produce Market.

The City of Cape Town is currently clearing the area as can be seeing in the photos, the Epping Fresh Produce Market have employed a private security company to keep a watchful eye over the process of the clearing as well as to prevent new people from occupying the vacant land.

Attempted Theft out of a Motor Vehicle

On the 8th August 2020 the ECID’s Public Safety Officer Mr Mfundisi was instrumental in preventing a smash and grab on Jakes Gerwel Drive on Langa Bridge, Officer Mfundisi arrested the suspect until SAPS arrived.

The suspect appeared in court on the 9th December, Officer Mfundisi was there to testify as the states witness and the suspect was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment. Well done to Public Safety Officer Mfundisi, you are an asset to the ECID.