Category Archives: Projects

Cape Town winter storm

Are You Ready to Go with the Cape Town Winter Flow? Essential Tips for a Smooth Season + Loadshedding Updates from the City

As the chilly and wet winter season approaches, it’s time to prepare ourselves for the unique challenges and delights that it brings.

From the brisk air to the rain-soaked streets, Cape Town winter demands our attention and readiness. Here, we explore practical tips to help you navigate the winter months with ease. From maintaining your home and business’ functionality to prioritising safety on the roads, these essential suggestions will ensure you’re well-prepared to go with the flow this winter. Let’s dive in and discover how to make the most of the wet season while keeping everything running smoothly.

Cape Town winter readiness tips

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Tables & Benches-Packer Avenue Epping 2

Benches in Packer Avenue - 7 Aug 15 (3) Benches in Packer Avenue - 7 Aug 15 (2)


The ECID completed another project, this time installing tables and benches on the traffic island in Packer Avenue to provide a comfortable space for staff from neighboring companies to enjoy their down time. We wish to thank Leonardo Haas and his team members from Essential Cleaning, who kindly installed the furniture on our behalf.

Installation of Poles on Rail Sidings

Pole Installation with Power Rig (5) Pole Installation with Power Rig (7)

With the assistance of Power Rig, the ECID has successfully planted the first two of twelve poles earmarked for this project.

The aim of the project is to provide additional security lighting to the siding gates.

For future use, the light poles will be fitted with sufficient infrastructure to add additional devices, i.e. cameras as a future project.

Should you require further information or would like to assist the ECID and authorize the planting of such a pole on your property, please contact Ryan Ord at the Epping CID office on 021 535 5814. All that is required from the property is an electrical feed, all additional costs will be borne by the ECID

Resizing of the Dacres and Moorsom Avenue Traffic Islands

Dacres Traffic Island-May 14 Moorsom Traffic Island-May 14.

The ECID embarked on another project to reduce the size of a two more traffic islands, this time in Dacres and Moorsom Avenues in Epping 2

This project was funded by the ECID with guidance provided by Council, the pictures show the Dacres island (left) and the Moorsom island (right).This project was undertaken to allow the trucks a wider turning circle, whereby eliminating the constant damage to the drains and kerb stones.

Resizing of Evans Avenue Traffic Island

Evans Traffic Island-Before Evans Traffic Island-Resized

The ECID embarked on another project to reduce the size of a traffic island, this time in Evans Avenue.This project was funded by the ECID with guidance provided by Council, the pictures show the island as it was (left) and the completed island.This project was undertaken to allow the trucks a wider turning circle, whereby eliminating the constant damage to the drains and kerb stones.

ECID Projects

The ECID has completed a number of projects benefiting the Epping Industrial area such as; the Moody Avenue parking area, the conversion of the Hawkins traffic circle into a parking area, the resizing of the Christian Avenue traffic circle.
Installed 16 PTZ cameras, waste bins, lighting in 5 alleyways/walk through’s and 17 flood lights on the rail sidings as well as the planting of 80 trees, gated off 21 rail sidings and repainted the road markings in Epping 2 on two occasions.
Should companies feel a requirement exists in their area, they can contact Lizette on 084 526 3918 in order to discuss their needs further. Projects should not exceed R 250 000 and should benefit the Epping Industrial area as a whole.

4 Additional CCTV Cameras

The ECID are pleased to announce that we have installed an additional 4 CCTV cameras in Epping, bringing the total of cameras to 16. The new cameras are placed as follow; 1 opposite Langa Station, 1 outside Gundle on Bofors Circle, 1 on the corner of Bofors Circle and Hewett Avenue and 1 outside Jumbo Cash & Carry, Bofors Circle.

Resizing of Christian Avenue Island

The ECID embarked on a project to reduce the size of the island in Christian Avenue.This project was funded by the ECID with guidance provided by Council, the pictures show the construction in progress and the completed island.This project was undertaken to allow the trucks a wider turning circle, whereby eliminating the constant damage to the drains and kerb stones.