Category Archives: Projects

Mandela Day

Winter Hope & Giving Back Responsibly  –  help combat poverty & inequality

Winter in Cape Town is a time in which poverty and homelessness become heightened social issues, because of the extremely harsh weather conditions. At the same time, the annual Mandela Day initiative coincides, taking place this 18 July, helping to bring hope and support to vulnerable communities.

Indigent people in South Africa are an inherent part of the cityscape, with hundreds of thousands of people homeless and living on the streets.

It is well-known that cash handouts are not a good solution for supporting people living on the streets  –  as these often serve to fuel the problem by funding addiction and other negative or self-perpetuating behaviour.

However, most of us would like to help in some way to combat poverty and inequality. For this reason, it’s important to work with known NGOs, nonprofits or charities, who have built social infrastructures and relationships that have longevity.

MES Cape Town - Mould, Empower, Serve

Mould, Empower, Serve:  how City Improvement Districts are working with MES

MES Cape Town is a key partner in the mission to sustainably rehome the homeless across various City Improvement Districts. Their extensive network of outreach and social relief programs provides the vital reach and resources our CID needs. Additionally, their responsive help desk is always available to assist with the immediate and short-term needs of the homeless and unemployed community.

We work closely with MES to identify individuals for casual labour on specific projects. Their team actively scouts promising candidates, placing them with us each week on a probationary basis as one of our on-the-ground workers, fondly known as our “Green Ants”. For those who show dedication, we offer pathways for them to become supervisors and advance their training, making them valuable members of our workforce in a way that allows us to support their growth.


To ensure the funds generated through our partnership are used effectively, we pay stipends directly to MES, which helps cover their living expenses sustainably throughout their stay.

Winter Hope 2024

MES is running a WinterHope campaign until the end of July, in a mission to spread hope and warmth this winter, by gathering essential items such as warm clothing, blankets, and nourishing food supplies.

Visit MES @mouldempowerserve on Facebook, or @mesorgsa on Instagram, to see causes near you to support this winter.

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As we move into the cooler months, we’re looking back and highlighting the efforts made during Q1 to keep the Epping City Improvement District a safe and clean place to live, work and visit. At this time, we also start preparing for winter with all the necessary maintenance to public space, and we ask you to take care of your property and business by doing the same. Lastly, we offer our safety tips for your wheelie bin, which can become a security hazard, especially as our daylight hours decrease.

Looking back at Q1

For Quarter One 2024, we focused on maintaining a safe environment through our security initiatives, which include ensuring bin-pickers and loiterers are monitored and dealt with.  Additionally, the Epping City Improvement District’s cleanliness was a priority, with our cleaning services ensuring a well-maintained space through initiatives such as emptying public bins on time and cleaning public gutters when needed. You can learn more about what we accomplished this quarter below.

On the ground report from our CID managers

meet the Epping CID managers

Our managers share a host of highlights from Quarter One:

  1. Mentally Disturbed Person Sleeping in Public Space
  • ECID Management noticed a homeless person sleeping under a tree in Gunners Circle, opposite the Shell Garage.
  • Upon engagement, we discovered that the homeless person is mentally disturbed and that is when we contacted the relevant role players such as SAPS Pinelands, Social Services, Law Enforcement and local clinics in the surrounding areas.

2. PRASA property recovered in Bofors Circle

  • ECID Law Enforcement made a huge impact in the Epping Area.
  • They conducted various operations where they made multiple arrests.
  • One of the operations they had in front of a business in the CID led them to arrest four individuals for PRASA property.

3. Road Signs Gunners Circle

4. Test Project – Lowering of Sidewalks

  • The ECID is experimenting with a project to lower the sidewalks to make them more pedestrian-friendly. This will be done using part of their social upliftment budget to employ MES Day Workers.
  • In January and February 2024, CCT Roads and Stormwater Department completed all the road markings in Gunners Circle and at all the intersections of all the Avenues, including all Fire Hydrants.

5. Illegal Connections in Epping One 30/01/24

  • The Control Room noticed on the camera there were four men on the open field in Gunners Circle, opposite Grenville Avenue, digging trenches. The ECID Management team and Law Enforcement were dispatched to receive more information. On our arrival, we noticed that people from Langa were busy stealing power from the streetlights in Gunners Circle. The ECID Management team contacted Law Enforcement and the CCT Electrical Department.
  • On the 1st of February, subcontractors for the CCT (Maritz Electrical) arrived and assisted the ECID team by removing the illegal connections.

Additionally, to increase the safety of the staff located in the ECID area, the ECID invested in a project to install turnstiles and is currently installing the turnstiles. These will all be operational from Monday, 13 May 2024.

The turnstiles will be installed at the following sidings:

Fisher Avenue
Benbow Avenue
Bertie Avenue
Packer Avenue
Moorsom Avenue
Dacres Avenue
Kinghall Avenue

In case of emergencies, please call the control room on 021 565 0900.

wheelie bin safety + how to replace your wheelie bin

Wheelie Bin Safety

Learn how to keep your wheelie bin and property safe, or replace a lost bin, with these helpful tips.

Keeping your wheelie bin secure benefits both you and the community. Clearly marking your bin with your house number or address increases the chances of its safe return if it gets misplaced. But security goes beyond just the bin itself. To ensure your overall safety, be mindful of what you throw away. Avoid discarding medication bottles with your name or address visible. Shred any personal documents before disposal to prevent identity theft.

Bin placement also plays a role in security. Leaving your wheelie bin too close to walls or fences creates a potential climbing aid for trespassers. Ideally, store your bin in a designated area, like a garage or shed, whenever possible. If not, position it in a well-lit, open area away from fences and walls. By following these simple tips, you can keep your wheelie bin secure and reduce potential security risks around your property.

Winter Readiness

The crisp air and cosy vibes of winter are fast approaching, but so are the challenges of rain, wind and potential disruptions. Don’t get caught off guard! We’ve got you covered with essential tips to navigate the season seamlessly. 

From keeping your property prepared and business functioning smoothly, to staying safe on the roads, these handy suggestions will help you embrace the winter flow. 

Cape Town winter storm

Are You Ready to Go with the Cape Town Winter Flow? Essential Tips for a Smooth Season + Loadshedding Updates from the City

As the chilly and wet winter season approaches, it’s time to prepare ourselves for the unique challenges and delights that it brings.

From the brisk air to the rain-soaked streets, Cape Town winter demands our attention and readiness. Here, we explore practical tips to help you navigate the winter months with ease. From maintaining your home and business’ functionality to prioritising safety on the roads, these essential suggestions will ensure you’re well-prepared to go with the flow this winter. Let’s dive in and discover how to make the most of the wet season while keeping everything running smoothly.

Cape Town winter readiness tips

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Tables & Benches-Packer Avenue Epping 2

Benches in Packer Avenue - 7 Aug 15 (3) Benches in Packer Avenue - 7 Aug 15 (2)


The ECID completed another project, this time installing tables and benches on the traffic island in Packer Avenue to provide a comfortable space for staff from neighboring companies to enjoy their down time. We wish to thank Leonardo Haas and his team members from Essential Cleaning, who kindly installed the furniture on our behalf.

Installation of Poles on Rail Sidings

Pole Installation with Power Rig (5) Pole Installation with Power Rig (7)

With the assistance of Power Rig, the ECID has successfully planted the first two of twelve poles earmarked for this project.

The aim of the project is to provide additional security lighting to the siding gates.

For future use, the light poles will be fitted with sufficient infrastructure to add additional devices, i.e. cameras as a future project.

Should you require further information or would like to assist the ECID and authorize the planting of such a pole on your property, please contact Ryan Ord at the Epping CID office on 021 535 5814. All that is required from the property is an electrical feed, all additional costs will be borne by the ECID

Resizing of the Dacres and Moorsom Avenue Traffic Islands

Dacres Traffic Island-May 14 Moorsom Traffic Island-May 14.

The ECID embarked on another project to reduce the size of a two more traffic islands, this time in Dacres and Moorsom Avenues in Epping 2

This project was funded by the ECID with guidance provided by Council, the pictures show the Dacres island (left) and the Moorsom island (right).This project was undertaken to allow the trucks a wider turning circle, whereby eliminating the constant damage to the drains and kerb stones.

Resizing of Evans Avenue Traffic Island

Evans Traffic Island-Before Evans Traffic Island-Resized

The ECID embarked on another project to reduce the size of a traffic island, this time in Evans Avenue.This project was funded by the ECID with guidance provided by Council, the pictures show the island as it was (left) and the completed island.This project was undertaken to allow the trucks a wider turning circle, whereby eliminating the constant damage to the drains and kerb stones.

ECID Projects

The ECID has completed a number of projects benefiting the Epping Industrial area such as; the Moody Avenue parking area, the conversion of the Hawkins traffic circle into a parking area, the resizing of the Christian Avenue traffic circle.
Installed 16 PTZ cameras, waste bins, lighting in 5 alleyways/walk through’s and 17 flood lights on the rail sidings as well as the planting of 80 trees, gated off 21 rail sidings and repainted the road markings in Epping 2 on two occasions.
Should companies feel a requirement exists in their area, they can contact Lizette on 084 526 3918 in order to discuss their needs further. Projects should not exceed R 250 000 and should benefit the Epping Industrial area as a whole.