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Feeding Scheme for February 2014

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The following food items were handed out to our 2 deserving charity organisations;  200 kg mealie meal donated by Premier Foods, 50 kg oats donated by Bokomo Foods, 1 pocket baby potatoes, 10 pockets gem squash and 3 pockets onions all donated by Capepots/Propots, 2 x 750 g coffee, 2 kg each of peanut butter and jam, 2 kg dry soup mix, 10 kg rice and 24 cans each of pilchards, baked beans and sweetcorn all donated by Giant Hyper.

Danny Cederberg and R Chetty on behalf of the Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel (top left), Ntsundushe, Winnie Vanqa and Pastor Zondi on behalf of the Langa Baptist Church (top right).

We wish to thank our sponsors for their generosity in helping to care for the less privileged.

Feeding Scheme for January 2014

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The ECID handed over 200 kg of mealie meal donated by Premier Foods, 50 kg of oats donated by Bokomo Foods, 2 x 750g coffee, 24 cans each of pilchards, baked beans & mixed vegetables, 10 kg rice, 2 kg peanut butter, 2 kg jam and 2 kg dry soup mix all donated by Giant Hyper, 10 pockets baby potatoes and 5 pockets gem squash donated by Capepots/Propots to Winnie Vanqa, Mwezi Kaso and Sozama Mtsumdushe from the Langa Baptist Church (top left) and Reverend Stan Martin from the Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel (top left).

We once again thank all our sponsors for the continued dedication to this initiative in helping the less fortunate.

Thank You from Peninsula Forklift Services

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The ECID received the following mail from Peninsula Forklift Services;

“People are quick to complain about problems. So I would like to thank your team for the good work you guys do here in Epping.

There was a bakkie on the corner of Bofors Circle and Carrier way that dropped a couple of large piece of glass. Cars started to pile up, but within minutes your vehicles pulled up, investigated the problem and they cleaned up everything. Well done and keep the good work up.”

Groete / Regards,

Juan Neethling

Peninsula Forklift Services

2013 Garden Competition Winners

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The winner of the garden of year for 2013 is GlaxoSmithKline! Well done to GSK for having such a well maintained verge. GSK received the trophy and a R250 Stodels gift voucher in appreciation of their efforts. Pictured from left to right, Joseph Kumsha who together with Daniel Mashelle (far right) are instrumental in maintaining the garden, Hilton Taylor from Advanced Cleaning Services, Lizette Johnstone, and Noel Coomber from GSK.

Donations to Langa Baptist Church in December 2013

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We would like to express our gratitude to Hot Favourites who very kindly donated 200 viennas, 200 rolls and 3l of tomatoe sauce for the children’s lunch and 8 x 2.5 kg Malva Puddings for the Christmas lunch, Brafica who kindly donated 48 x 250 ml chubby cooldrinks and 192 sachets of Casa Mia Glucose drinks for the children. Centurion Investment and Megacoach who generously donated R 750-00 and R 500-00 respectively which was used to provide much needed school uniforms.

Feeding Scheme for November & December 2013

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The ECID handed over 400 kg of mealie meal donated by Premier Foods, 50 kg of oats donated by Bokomo Foods,4 tins of coffee, 4 kg of peanut butter, 4 kg of jam, 20 kg of rice, 2 kg of lentils, 2 kg dry soup mix, 48 cans each of baked beans, mixed vegetables and pilchards, all donated by Giant Hyper, 6 pockets of potatoes, 10 pockets of onions, 6 pockets of butternut, 2 boxes of tomatoes and 10 pockets of squash donated by Cape Pots to Stan Martin from the Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel (top left) and Sylvia Matiza, Sivuyile Jonga, Sozama Ntsundushe & Lubabalo Ntsundushe from the Langa Baptist Church.

We once again wish to thank our sponsors for there ongoing support of this initiative, knowing they are instrumental in providing food for those who are less fortunate.

City receives clean audit from AG




City receives clean audit from AG

The City of Cape Town has fulfilled its commitment to our residents to be a well-run city by receiving a clean audit finding from the South African Auditor-General for the 2012/13 Financial Year. Read more below:

This is the tenth consecutive year that the City of Cape Town has received an unqualified audit – a record for a Metropolitan Council in South Africa.

‘There is a lot of work, skill and expertise that goes into achieving a clean audit. It is not merely about accounting. It is about accountability. A clean audit means that the Auditor-General believes that the City’s books are sound and that every cent that has been spent can be accounted for, that our performance report is credible, and that the City has complied with laws and regulations.

‘This administration understands that it is public money we are entrusted with, which must be used for the benefit of the people who live in this city. The Auditor-General’s report, sent to the City today, underscores this understanding,’ said the City’s Executive Deputy Mayor and Mayoral Committee Member for Finance, Alderman Ian Neilson.

In his audit findings for the 2012/13 financial year, the Auditor-General has found that the City’s financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position and the financial performance of the City of Cape Town as at 30 June 2013.

He also had no material findings on the City’s performance report or compliance with laws and regulations.

The Auditor-General did not identify any significant deficiencies in the City’s internal controls.

Bonus Donation of Food Items-November 2013

Stan MartinThe ECID handed over the following consumables donated by Jumbo Cash & Carry.  70 cans of various foods items, 9 packets of soups, 6 boxes of soya mince, 1925 g of loose tea, 1178 tea bags, 50 stock cubes, 13 boxes of Southern coating, 11 packets of gravy and sauces, 1 packet of instant oats, 6 packets of Sishebo Mix, 2 packets of stew granules, 1 bottle of Spicy Mayonnaise, 1 tube of Colgate toothpaste as well as 154 packets of various spices to Reverend Stan Martin  from the Church of Nazarene. We sincerely thank Jumbo Cash & Carry for their generous contribution towards the initiative to help the less fortunate.

Feeding Scheme for October 2013

Church of nazareneLanga Baptist Church

The ECID handed over 200 kg of mealie meal donated by Premier Foods, 50 kg of oats donated by Bokomo Foods, 2 tins of coffee, 2 kg of peanut butter, 2 kg of jam, 10 kg of rice, 2 kg of lentils, 24 cans each of baked beans, mixed vegetables and pilchards all donated by Giant Hyper to the Church of Nazarene and Langa Baptist Church.  10 pockets each of potatoes and onions were also donated by Capepots to Church of the Nazarene. We again thank our sponsors for their generous contributions to helping meet the need of our suffering communities.

On the left is Reverend Stan Martin-Church of the Nazarene and on the right Sylvia Matiza, Odwa Dlulane and Mwezi Kaso-Langa Baptist Church.