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ECID Law Enforcement Bust CCTV Thieves

The ECID Law Enforcement received a report from their control that 2 people were tampering with the camera control box on the side of the N2 near the Bunga Avenue off ramp.They responded and found the 2 male suspects along side the N2 in possesion of components from the control box to the value of R 45 000.00. The total damage to the control box was R 110 000.00. Both suspects were arrested.

ECID Feeding Scheme for March 2012

The ECID feeding scheme has started up again and we are pleased to say all our donors from last year are once again donating food items. We delivered the following to the Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel and the SOS in Langa;100kg of Mealie Meal donated by Premier Foods, 50kg of  oats donated by Bokomo Foods, 30 pockets of potatoes, 2 pockets of squash and 6 pockets onions donated by Propots and 10 kg rice, 4 packets lentils, 1000 tea bags, 24 cans each of baked beans, mixed vegetables and pilchards as well as 2x 950g jams and 2x 900g peanut butter. We thank our sponsors for their continued support of this iniative.

Drug Bust

On the 14th of December at approximately 08h26 the Law Enforcement received a report from Myertal, our camera control room regarding a suspious person. On investigation the suspect was nowhere to be found but they found a parcel containing 800 mandrax tablets with a street value of R 32 000. The suspect returned an hour later to collect his parcel and was duly arrested and handed over to Elsies River SAPS. Pictured here with the mandrax are Officers Kayster and Hartnick who executed the arrest.

ECID Feeding Scheme For November 2011


During November we did another delivery of food items to the Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel and the SOS in Langa. 100kg of mealie meal donated by Premier Foods, 50kg of oats donated by Bokomo Foods, 20 pockets of potatoes, 4 boxes of tomatoes, 10 pockets of gem squash, 6 pockets butternut,10 pockets of onions and 4 bags of sweet potatoes donated by Propots, 2 tins of coffee, 2 packets of lentils, 24 cans of baked beans, 24 cans of mixed vegetable, 24 cans of pilchards, 2 jars of peanut butter and 2 jars of jam donated by Giant Sweets. We thank our sponsors for their dedication to this initiative.
Accepting for SOS Langa is Xoliswa Matini and for the Church of the Nazarene is Stan Martin.

ECID Feeding Scheme for October 2011

The ECID made another delivery of food items to the SOS in Langa and the Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel. We are pleased to welcome a new sponsor on board, Propots. 50kg of oats donated by Bokomo Foods, 100kg of mealie meal donated by Premier Foods, 1000 tea bags, 4 tubs of peanut butter, 4 pakets of lentils, 24 cans of pilchards, 24 cans of baked beans, 24 cans of mixed vegetables donated by Giant Sweets, 10 pockets of potatoes, 10 boxes of sweet potatoes, 4 pockets of onions and 3.5 pockets of butternut donated by Propots were handed out. We again thank our generous sponsors who make this possible.
Pictured here is Nokuthula Qanda from the SOS and Danny Zeederberg from the Church of the Nazarene

ECID Feeding Scheme for August 2011

The ECID made another delivery of food items to the SOS in Langa and the Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel. 100kg of mealie meal donated by Premier Foods, 50kg of oats donated by Bokomo Foods, 2 tins of coffee, 2 packets of soup mix, 24 cans of baked beans, 24 cans of mixed vegetables, 24 cans of pilchards, 2 tubs of jam and 2 tubs of peanut butter donated by Giant Sweets were handed out. Pictured here receiving the food is Charles Mitchell from SOS Langa and Stan Martin from the Church of the Nazarene. We wish to thank our donors for their ongoing commitment to this initiative.

Driving A Time Bomb

No number plates—————No lights

Gearbox/Engine————–“Petrol tank”

On Friday 22nd July, the Law Enforcement attended to a complaint that the cameras had picked up, a suspicious vehicle was parked outside of Rheem SA. The quad bikes first attended to the complaint where they found two occupants in the vehicle busy smoking TIK, upon exiting the vehicle, the one occupant unfortunately crushed the TIK lollie. The Law Enforcement then arrived and searched the vehicle and occupants, no further drugs were found. The occupants and the vehicle were taken to the ECID office and the Traffic Department were contacted due to the unroadworthiness of the vehicle. The petrol tank of the vehicle is a 5l oil can in the engine compartment, the gearbox is attached to the engine by means of wire, no functioning lights and no valid license disk. The slave cylinder is completely disconnected from the vehicle thus serving no purpose and neither occupant was in possession of a valid drivers license. The vehicle was successfully removed by the Traffic Department. It was later discovered that the Law Enforcement had previously dealt with this vehicle, but released the vehicle as the traffic department had not responded in the same manner.