Feeding Scheme for March, April and May 2013

The ECID handed over 300 kg of mealie meal donated by Premier Foods, 154 cases and 16 sacks of oats donated by Bokomo Foods, 2 tins of coffee, 2000 tea bags, 6 kg of peanut butter, 6 kg of jam, 30 kg of rice, 2 kg of lentils, 6 kg dry soup mix, 72 cans each of baked beans and pilchards, 24 cans of peas, 24 cans of mixed vegetables and 24 cans of spaghetti all donated by Giant Hyper, 20 pockets of potatoes, 15 pockets of onions and 10 pockets of squash donated by Cape Pots to Stan Martin from the Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel (pictured at the top) and Charles Mitchell from SOS Langa.