Good Day

The camera upgrade is underway, however at this point the system is not operational due to unexpected challenges.

During this period, the ECID Board has authorised the deployment of additional foot patrols on the rail tracks, increasing the compliment from four to eight foot-patrollers. This is over and above the already existent quad-bike patrols. The deployment of these additional patrols commenced on the 1 September and will continue up to 31 October, where at which time the situation will be reviewed.

Whilst we at the ECID are striving on a daily basis to continue providing an efficient service, the upgrade process is ongoing and we will continually provide regular updates. 

Please take into consideration that we remind all owners and tenants that individual site security is for your account.



Feeding Scheme for July & August 2018

Donation-To CofN-July+Aug 18 e Donation-to LBC-July+Aug 18 e

We were once again able to make a generous donation to Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel and Langa Baptist Church. 2 x 750 g coffee, 2 kg each of peanut butter and jam, 10 kg dry lentils, 10 kg dry soup mix, 20 kg samp and 24 cans each of pilchards, baked beans all donated by Giant Hyper.

Accepting on behalf of the Church of the Nazarene is Reverend Quinton Williams & Kyle Davids (top left) and on behalf of Langa Baptist Church is Gkizwa Galela & Bulumko Khungwayo (top Right)

We once again thank all our sponsors for their continued dedication to this initiative in helping the less fortunate.

Epping CID Levy Increases from 01 July 2018


The Epping City Improvement District (ECID) is a community initiative approved by Council for the delivering of supplementary municipal services within a strictly regulated legal framework. The ECID is a Non-Profit Company (NPC) and is managed by a non- remunerated board which is held accountable for delivering on its mandate by the members of the NPC (property owners within ECID).  The City remains responsible for delivering primary municipal services and also has to perform oversight on all supplementary municipal services delivered by the ECID. The ECID has a 5 year lifespan with an option to apply to Council for a further 5 year term should the property owners approve another 5 year term and a new business plan at the AGM held in the 4th year of the current term.

The City funds this initiative through additional property rates levied on all property owners within ECID in terms of:

  • the Municipal Systems Act (MSA) for the billing and collection of the additional rates; and
  • the Municipal Property Rates Act (MPRA) which allows the Council to approve a special rating area and levy additional rates onto those property owners solely for the funding of improvements and upgrades in that area.

Calculation of the ECID Additional Rate

The ECID 5 year budget approved by Council is reviewed annually by the ECID board and presented to the NPC members at the AGM for approval. At the last AGM the NPC members approved a budget which increased with 8% from R9 112 998 in 2017/18 to R9 842 038 in 2018/19. In terms of the City`s mandate we have to fund this budget with additional rates levied on property owners within ECID. The City by legislation is not allowed to use normal property rates to fund the ECID as this will be considered as the creation of elitist areas.

When the City determines the additional rate required for the collection of a CID budget the two variables that impact most on the percentage increase / decrease of the additional rate, are the budget increase of the CID and the change in the total property valuation of properties in the CID.

In a confined environment like the ECID the municipal valuation for individual properties fluctuates due to Supplementary Valuations (SV), successful objections, valuation court rulings, subdivisions, redevelopment and new developments which impacts the total municipal valuation and ultimately the additional rate.

The increase in the Improvement District charge will only be equal to the ECID budget increase if the total municipal property valuation remained unchanged. Unfortunately in Epping this was not the case.

In March 2017 the total municipal valuation was  R7 242 107 369 which was used to calculate the 2017/18 ECID additional rate. In March 2018 the total municipal valuation decreased with 3.2% to R7 013 142 293. When the 2018/19 ECID additional rate was calculated this valuation reduction impacted on the final additional rate.

The impact of the two biggest variables:

  • ECID budget increase:                          8.0%
  • ECID municipal valuation decrease:     3.2%

The Special Rating Areas Policy dictates that the CID additional rate may not exceed 25% of the applicable rates rate.

The ECID additional rate of R0.001403 for 2018/19 expressed as a percentage of the non-residential rates rate of R0.014308 = 9.8%

The ECID additional rate is far below the average of 15% for commercial CIDs and the 25% capping and therefore complies with the policy requirement.

What is the impact per R1 million municipal valuation of the 11.5% increase compared with an 8% increase?

If the municipal valuation remained unchanged and the additional rate increased with 8% iso 11.5%, from R 0.001258 in 2017/18 to R0.001359 in 2018/19 property owners would have paid R44 per year per R1 million valuation or an average of R3.67 per month more.





Feeding Scheme for May & June 2018

Donation-To CofN-May-June 18Donation to LBC-21 Jul 18-Gkizwa Galela+Liziwe Nkolombe

The following food items were handed out to our two-deserving charity organisations;

4 x 750 g coffee, 2400 tea bags, 4 kg each of peanut butter and jam, 20 kg each of dry soup mix and lentils, 40 kg Samp, 48 cans each of pilchards and baked beans all donated by Giant Hyper.

4 x 50 kg gravity beans donated by Pioneer Foods. Rev. Quinton Williams and Ricardo October from Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel accepted the food donations (top left), Liziwe Nkolombe and Gkizwa Galela accepted the food donations on behalf of the Langa Baptist Church.

We wish to thank our sponsors for their generosity in helping to care for the less privileged.

ECID Camera Network

The ECID is in the process of upgrading the camera network in Epping 1 & 2.

At the same time the camera control room is being relocated to the ECID office.

This unfortunately means that there may be occasions when part of the system is not operating to its optimum.

The upgrade and move will take several months to complete, during this time we will respond to the best of our ability.

Mr Ord is always on call for your convenience at 084 951 9111.

Feeding Scheme for February, March & April 2018

Donation-To LBC-Apr 18-Lorna Booi   Donation-To CofN-Feb-Apr 18-Left Ricardo October+Sheldon Josias

The ECID handed over 6 x 750 g coffee, 3600 tea bags, 4.5 kg of peanut butter and 6 x 900g jam, 15 kg dry soup mix, 15 kg lentils, 30 kg samp, and 72 cans each of pilchards and baked beans all donated by Giant Hyper and 300 kg beans donated by Pioneer Foods to Lorna Booi from the Langa Baptist Church (top left) and to Ricardo October and Sheldon Josias (top right) from the Church of the Nazarene

We once again thank all our sponsors for the continued dedication to this initiative in helping the less fortunate.

Continued savings must remain part of our long-term strategy to avoid Day Zero


 7 MARCH 2018


Continued savings must remain part of our long-term strategy to avoid Day Zero

The City’s dashboard for this week shows a slight increase in water consumption. This bucks the recent downward trend of the last few weeks. Overall consumption as at 5 March 2018 was measured at 537 million litres per day (MLD) which is up from 516 MLD consumption recorded in the previous week.

Dam levels have dropped by 0,4% to 23,6%.  Please see

The City now projects that, if there was to be no rainfall, Day Zero would arrive on 27 August 2018. As this date falls deep within the normal rainfall period, it is no longer appropriate to project the date without any consideration of rainfall. Thus, provided we continue our current water savings efforts, Day Zero can be avoided completely this year. It is now up to all of us. If we keep on saving, we will not have to queue for water this year.

I would therefore like to urge all Capetonians not to relax their savings efforts. While we are feeling more confident of avoiding Day Zero this year, we cannot predict the volume of rainfall still to come. If winter rainfall this year is as low as last year, or even lower, we are still in danger of reaching Day Zero early next year.

Now is the time to entrench our water saving habits and ensure that the behavioral shift we have undergone in the past months becomes second nature.

More and more Capetonians have met the challenge by lowering their consumption. Our water map shows a 5% increase in the number of households that used less than 6 kilolitres a month in January, as compared to December (see link below).

Our challenge now is to continue reinforcing these behavior changes, and to spread the message among our communities, at the workplace, at home, at school. Everywhere we go, we have an opportunity to act as water ambassadors and ensure that each and every Capetonian is aware of the seriousness of the situation. There is no shortage of water-saving resources that can be distributed to ensure that everyone gets the message.

A range of online resources can be found on the City of Cape Town’s website (see link below).

These resources include videos, presentations, posters, community water plans, checklists, stickers, water-saving tips, guides to finding and fixing leaks, greywater guidelines, and more. I would like to urge all Capetonians to make use of these resources.

The City is continuing to roll out its pressure demand management programme, and installing water meters at the homes of high water users. Together with our residents, we can bring consumption down to the required 450 MLD. If we redouble our efforts to ensure that every single resident uses no more than 50 litres of water a day, we will not only beat Day Zero this year but also avoid it next year.

Please visit for all water-related information, including information on Level 6B restrictions and FAQs about Day Zero as well as tips to lower usage even further.

Also visit to see if your household is painting the city green to avoid Day Zero.

Note to broadcasters: audio clips are available for download.

For English:

For Afrikaans:


Issued by: Media Office, City of Cape Town

 Media enquiries: Alderman Ian Neilson, Executive Deputy Mayor, City of Cape Town, Tel: 021 400 1306 or Cell: 083 306 6730, Email: (please always cc



27 FEBRUARY 2018


 All residents and businesses urged to adhere to City’s Water By-law and related public notices

In view of the ongoing dire drought situation, the City of Cape Town has given notice to all residents and businesses residing in Cape Town of the following rules and regulations, in accordance with the City’s Water By-law.

The resale of unmodified municipal water without prior permission from the City of Cape Town’s Director: Water and Waste Services is prohibited and no permission for applications will be granted during this drought period. The use and selling of modified municipal water whether through filtration, ozone, carbonation and related methods, bottled or not, where the end product remains water, is hereby also prohibited during this period.

It should be noted that this prohibition excludes sodas and flavoured water (with additives), ice teas and related drinks but the Level 6B reduction in consumption of 45% for all non-residential use still applies. This restriction does not apply to water from alternative sources, e.g. springs.

All users of groundwater and surface water must comply with the National Water Act and its regulations. With regard to the regulations around springs; boreholes; well points; rivers; streams and vlei water, we would like to emphasise that residents must obtain permission from the National Department of Water and Sanitation (NDWS) in order to take water from a resource, i.e. ground or surface water. The City would like to remind residents that the National Department of Water and Sanitation has emphasised that water from private boreholes is not meant for sale and that commercial and industrial entities must still seek the necessary authorisation from the department to sell surface and groundwater. Businesses that are selling groundwater and/or surface water must declare the source and display proof of authorisation from NDWS on any vehicle/transportation mode and retail outlet dispensing such water.

Furthermore, we want to emphasise that all non-residential toilet facilities including office blocks and public facilities must retrofit their toilets with water efficient fittings, change the conventional urinals to waterless ones and shut off water to most hand basins and provide sanitisers for hand washing. The City has a tender in place to retrofit our own facilities and this is currently being rolled out.

I would once again like to thank the many residents who have really gone above and beyond the call of duty with their water saving efforts. We know this new normal is not an easy transition for anyone but we ask for your continued sense of urgency and adaptability during this unprecedented water crisis we are currently facing.


Issued by: Media Office, City of Cape Town

Media enquiries: Councillor Xanthea Limberg, Mayoral Committee Member for Informal Settlements, Water and Waste Services; and Energy, City of Cape Town, Tel: 021 400 1299 or Cell: 073 271 2054, Email: (please always copy



22 FEBRUARY 2018


Note to editors: The following is an extract from a speech delivered at the launch of the Greater Cape Town Water Fund Pilot Project. The fund will contribute towards clearing alien vegetation that has grown on top of our aquifers to increase rainwater recharge and increase the sustainable yield of groundwater. Read more below.  

Cities are major contributors to climate change. Although they cover less than 2% of the earth’s surface, cities consume 78% of the world’s energy and produce more than 60% of all carbon dioxide and significant amounts of other greenhouse gas emissions, mainly through energy generation, vehicles, industry, and biomass use. At the same time, cities are extremely vulnerable to climate change. The World Bank forecasts that water availability in cities could decline by as much as two thirds by 2050 as a result of climate change and competition from energy generation and agriculture.

The reality is that many cities have not yet addressed climate change. However, when properly planned, capacitated, and managed through the appropriate governance structures, cities can be places of innovation and efficiency. Together with their local authorities, they have the potential to diminish the causes of climate change and effectively protect themselves from its impacts. This project which is being launched here today is an example of how cities can increase their resilience to climate change.

The project was initiated in 2014 when the City of Cape Town reached out to The Nature Conservancy (TNC) requesting it to establish a Water Fund for Cape Town. In 2015 a TNC delegation visited Cape Town and we agreed on Atlantis as the right location to run a pilot for four main reasons:

  • It serves as an example for other managed aquifers
  • It is in a key biodiversity area
  • We are able to create much-needed jobs for the local communities
  • Thirsty invader plants have a negative impact on the biodiversity and on water resources

The City of Cape Town however looks forward to work hand in hand with TNC and our partners to expand this work to benefit the greater Cape Town region.

Without water the city’s economic growth is limited, jobs are affected, it impacts stability in the region and has severe social consequences, especially on our poor communities.

It is time to think differently about our relationship with water. Water can no longer be taken for granted. The City of Cape Town, in collaboration with national and provincial government, industry and residents of Cape Town are working hard to avoid the immediate threat of running out of water.

But the threat to our water supply will not be simply avoided by receiving good rainfall this winter. We have to make sure that we plan for the medium term and position the city to cope with the unknown. That means among other things less reliance on surface water and a greater appreciation for diverse water supply options.

The City recognises the contribution by the Coca-Cola Africa Foundation and commits to work with the Greater Cape Town Water Fund Partners to manage our water resources to ensure the region continues to serve its people. As we navigate the drought that has hit our region, it is important for us at all times to ensure that we build stronger partnerships to ensure that we can withstand the water-related shocks of the future. I wish this project every success, and look forward to seeing the results.


Issued by: Media Office, City of Cape Town

Media enquiries: Councillor Johan van der Merwe, Mayoral Committee Member for Finance, City of Cape Town, Tel: 021 400 3794 or Cell: 074 568 3980, Email: (please always copy

Defeating Day Zero is in sight if we sustain our water-saving efforts


 20 FEBRUARY 2018


Defeating Day Zero is in sight if we sustain our water-saving efforts

Day Zero, the day we may have to start queueing for water, has now moved to 9 July due to a weekly drop in dam levels of only 0.5% (as compared to a 1.9% drop in 2014). This week’s lower rate of consumption can be attributed to the Groenland water reaching Steenbras Upper Dam last week and slightly increasing the dam level, as well as to a further reduction in Cape Town’s weekly average demand to 523 megalitres per day (MLD) compared to 1 130 MLD in 2014.

The Groenland water transfer and the reduction in our weekly average demand has had a dramatic impact on the Day Zero date, which is determined by assuming that the fortnightly trend of weekly dam storage change will continue unchanged. This precautionary outlook assumes no further rainfall and that water demand may not reduce over the next few months. It has been adopted to allow sufficient lead time for implementation of temporary water collection points in the event that these may be required.

 We anticipate that Day Zero could move back into June again once the Groenland transfer has been completed, unless we are able to meet the 450 MLD collective water usage target. Therefore it is imperative that we reach this target to make it through to the winter rains.

 Today I urge the residents of Cape Town not to ease up on their water-saving efforts. We cannot afford to slow down when the estimated Day Zero date moves out, simply because we cannot accurately predict the volume of rainfall still to come or when it will come. Last year we had abnormally low winter rainfall, and we cannot assume that this year will be any different.

The only way we can stretch our water supplies is to adhere to the 50 litres per person per day water allocation. Our water saving efforts across the metro have thus far been our greatest defense against Day Zero. Now is definitely not the time to ease up.

We once again want to thank the Groenland Water Users Farming Association for the water transfer, which made a considerable difference when we needed it most.

Our preparations for Day Zero continue as planned, along with the City’s aggressive roll-out of pressure management initiatives and the installation of water management devices at the properties of high users across the metro. Enforcement blitzes will also continue to ensure that all water users adhere to the water restrictions.

Latest water dashboard (

  •  Day Zero: 9 July 2018 (was 4 June 2018)
  • Dam Levels: 24,4% (decline of 0,5%)
  • Total consumption: 523 million litres per day (73 million litres above the target of 450 million litres per day)
  • Percentage of Capetonians saving: *note, due to the implementation of 50 litre targets, this calculation is under review

Level 6B restrictions make it compulsory for residents to use no more than 50 litres per person per day.

See the following link for the new tariff details:

 Please visit to see what a community water plan could look like community_water_plan for all water-related information, including Level 6B restrictions and regularly updated FAQs about Day Zero as well as tips to lower usage even further.


Also visit to see if your household is painting the city green to avoid Day Zero.


Issued by: Media Office, City of Cape Town

Media enquiries: Alderman Ian Neilson, Executive Deputy Mayor, City of Cape Town, Tel: 021 400 1306 or Cell: 083 306 6730, Email: (please always copy