Load Curtailment

The ECID hereby provides the following information regarding the Load curtailment program, currently localised to the Bofors 2 node:

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We hereby include the below information as recieved:

Power-Star have been appointed as the Operator for the Bofors 2 nodes and will be driving this process with all participants going forward. 

Next Steps:

  1. Complete the CoCT application form (attached)
  2. Complete Power-Star Load Curtailment agreement (Attached)
  3. Install Power-Star meters (only applicable to those who do not have Power-Star meters currently installed)
  4. Set up of Node performance on Powerstar platform and group communication (This is for our responsibility)

For the installation of Power-Star meters:

Option 1:

  • We supply you with the meters and you have your own electrical contractor or personnel install the meters. For this, we would need to know how many meters will be required for supply.

Option 2:

  • We can supply and install the meters but would need to do site inspections.
  • We will set a day or two aside early next week for the site inspections.
  • The cost for the site inspection will be R1000 ex vat
  • After the site inspection quote for the meter supply and installation will be sent through.
  • Please confirm who would prefer this option so we can book it in.

To contact Power-Star

Chris Geary –  Operations Manager

c 083 444 3320

t  021 975 4529




Load Curtailment Service Agreement

Application Form – Curtailment Programme – v2022 1.2

Loadshedding Curtailment Infographics (06.06.2022) v5 (1)

Technical Guidelines – Load Curtailment Programmev1.2