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Feeding Scheme For July 2014

C of N-Jul 14 LBC-Jul 14

The following food items were handed out to our 2 deserving charity organisations; 200 kg mealie meal donated by Premier Foods, 100 kg pearl barley donated by Bokomo Foods, 5 boxes each tomatoes and green peppers, 5 pockets each of potatoes, gem squash and onions all donated by Capepots, 2 x 750 g coffee, 1000 tea bags, 2 kg each of peanut butter and jam,  4 kg each of dry soup mix and lentils, 20 kg rice, 24 cans each of pilchards and baked beans all donated by Giant Hyper.

Reverend Stan Martin on behalf of the Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel (top left),Sylvia Matiza, Winnie Vanqa and Lindi Mahlangabeza, on behalf of the Langa Baptist Church (top right).

We wish to thank our sponsors for their generosity in helping to care for the less privileged.

Drug Bust


Dagga Bus-7 Jul 14 (1)   Dagga Bus-7 Jul 14 (2)

On the evening of 7 July 2014 the ECID security shift supervisor S/O Boois identified a suspicious male carrying a travel bag, he informed S/O April, who immediately reacted and apprehend the suspect seconds before he would have boarded a taxi. The suspect and travel bag was searched and the bag was found to contain 100 parcels of dagga with a street value of ± R 170 000.00. SAPS were called and the suspect and dagga was handed over to SAPS.  

Feeding Scheme for June 2014


CofN-Jun 14 LBC-Jun 14

The ECID handed over 200 kg mealie meal donated by Premier Foods, 2 x 750 g coffee, 2000 tea bags, 2 kg each of peanut butter and jam, 8 kg dry soup mix, 8 kg lentils, 20 kg rice and 24 cans each of pilchards and baked beans all donated by Giant Hyper, 10 pockets potatoes, 4 pockets squash, 6 pockets onions, 2 pockets butternut, 8 kg red peppers, 12,66 kg yellow peppers and 16.18 kg tomatoes donated by Capepots/Propots to Reverend Stan Martin from the Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel (top left) and Deacon Kholekile Buso, Sylvia Matiza and Steven Ntsundushe from the Langa Baptist Church (top left)

We once again thank all our sponsors for the continued dedication to this initiative in helping the less fortunate.

Resizing of the Dacres and Moorsom Avenue Traffic Islands

Dacres Traffic Island-May 14 Moorsom Traffic Island-May 14.

The ECID embarked on another project to reduce the size of a two more traffic islands, this time in Dacres and Moorsom Avenues in Epping 2

This project was funded by the ECID with guidance provided by Council, the pictures show the Dacres island (left) and the Moorsom island (right).This project was undertaken to allow the trucks a wider turning circle, whereby eliminating the constant damage to the drains and kerb stones.

Feeding Scheme for April and May 2014

LBC (1) LBC (2)C of N

The ECID handed out the following food items to the Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel and the Langa Baptist Church;  400 kg mealie meal kindly donated by Premier Foods, 1028 kg pearl barley kindly donated by Sasko, 1 pocket each potatoes & squash and 2 pockets onions kindly donated by Capepots/Propots, 4 x 750g coffee, 1000 tea bags, 4 kg peanut butter, 4 kg jam, 48 cans each of pilchards and baked beans, 8 kg each of lentils and dry soup mix and 36 kg of rice kindly donated by Giant Hyper.

Accepting on behalf of Langa Baptist Church is Sylvia Matiza and Ludumv Dwabo.(top) and for Church of the Nazarene is Reverend Stan Martin (bottom).

We wish to thank our sponsors for their generosity in helping to care for the less privileged.

Resizing of Evans Avenue Traffic Island

Evans Traffic Island-Before Evans Traffic Island-Resized

The ECID embarked on another project to reduce the size of a traffic island, this time in Evans Avenue.This project was funded by the ECID with guidance provided by Council, the pictures show the island as it was (left) and the completed island.This project was undertaken to allow the trucks a wider turning circle, whereby eliminating the constant damage to the drains and kerb stones.

Feeding Scheme for March 2014

LBC-Mar 14 CofN-Mar 14

We were once again able to make a generous donation to Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel and Langa Baptist Church. 200 kg mealie meal donated by Premier Foods and 2 x 750 g coffee, 2 kg each of peanut butter and jam, 2 kg dry lentils, 10 kg rice and 24 cans each of pilchards, baked beans and peas all donated by Giant Hyper. Accepting on behalf of the Langa Baptist Church Langa is Sylvia Matiza & Mwezi Kaso (top left) and for the Church of the Nazarene is Reverend Stan Martin (top right).

We once again thank all our sponsors for their continued dedication to this initiative in helping the less fortunate.


ECID Staff Shown Appreciation

Braai at Big Bodies (1) Braai at Big Bodies (2)

On the 17th April the ECID security and Law Enforcement as well as Ryan Ord and Lizette Johnstone, were invited to a braai at Big Bodies in Epping 2. Mr Gropper, the MD held a braai for his staff and invited the  ECID staff, this was to say thank you to the ECID staff for doing a great job in Epping.

We wish to thank Mr Gropper for his appreciation of the work done by the ECID.