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Feeding Scheme for June & July 2016

CoN-Collection-20 Jul 16   LBC-Collection-Jul 16

The following food items were handed out to our 2 deserving charity organisations; 4 x 750 g coffee, 2400 tea bags, 4 kg each of peanut butter and jam, 20 kg each of dry soup mix and lentils, 40 kg samp, 48 cans each of pilchards and baked beans all donated by Giant Hyper2 x 50 kg gravity beans donated by Pioneer Foods. 2 pockets onions, 12 pockets potatoes and 4 pockets butternut all donated by CapepotsRev. Quinton Williams from Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel accepted the food donations (top left) and Sylvia Matiza, Craig Gawada and Vuyokaza Hali accepted the food donations on behalf of the Langa Baptist Church (top Right).

We wish to thank our sponsors for their generosity in helping to care for the less privileged.

Mandela Day 18 July 2016

1      23      45

Bonteheuwel Station   

 Mandela Day AACL (2)   Mandela Day AACL (1)   Mandela Day AACL (3)   Mandela Day AACL (4)


In honour of Madiba, Coca Cola Canners embraced Mandela Day and continued his legacy by giving back to the community. The day commenced with a warm offering of delicious soup and bread at Bonteheuwel Station. This was followed shortly by a visit to the Animal Anti Cruelty League in Epping, where Coca Cola gave cooldrinks and bottled water to the hard working staff and to spend time with the animals. This time included walking, feeding and interacting with the dogs and cats. A great time was had by all, including the animals.

The ECID were also present to assist with the soup handout and the interaction with the animals.

The ECID thank Coca Cola Canners for their extreme generosity and embracing this day of celebration.

Emergency Exercise In Gunners Circle Epping 1

Emergency Exercise-11 May 16 (6)         Emergency Exercise-11 May 16 (3)     Emergency Exercise-11 May 16 (5)           Emergency Exercise-11 May 16 (4)Emergency Exercise-11 May 16 (2)            Emergency Exercise-11 May 16 (1)

On the 11th May 2016, Disaster Risk Management together with Fire Service, Traffic, Law Enforcement, SAPS, Metro Police, Metro Rail, Ambulance Services, South African, Weather Services, Roads Department, Pollution Department, the ECID and various other role players executed a mock emergency exercise involving a gas tanker explosion and fire.The purpose of the exercise was to determine all role players preparedness in the event of an emergency.

Feeding Scheme for April & May 2016

Donation-To CofN-Quinton+Tasriq-30 May 16       LBC-Collection-30 May 16

The ECID handed over 4 x 750 g coffee, 2400 tea bags, 8 kg each of peanut butter and jam, 20 kg dry soup mix, 20 kg lentils, 40 kg samp, and 48 cans each of pilchards and baked beans all donated by Giant Hyper and 100 kg beans donated by Pioneer Foods, to Church of the Nazarene, Tasriq Adams & Reverend Quinton Williams (top left) and Winnie Vanqa from the Langa Baptist Church (top right)

We once again thank all our sponsors for the continued dedication to this initiative in helping the less fortunate.

Feeding Scheme For January, February & March 2016

CofN Mar 16 (2) LBC Mar 16 (3)

The ECID handed out the following food items to the Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel and the Langa Baptist Church; 3 x 750g coffee, 1800 tea bags, 6 kg peanut butter, 6 kg jam, 72 cans each of pilchards and baked beans, 30 kg of lentils, 30 kg dry soup mix, 60kg rice and 60 kg of mealie meal kindly donated by Giant Hyper.

Accepting on behalf of the Church of the Nazarene is Reverend Quinton Williams  (top left) and for Langa Baptist Church is Thandil, Thando and Lubabalo and standing, Sylvia Matiza and Lunga.(top right).

We wish to thank our sponsors for their generosity in helping to care for the less privileged.

2015 Frontage of The Year

FCC-Garden for 2015

The winner of the frontage of year for 2015 is Fine Chemicals Corporation

Well done to Fine Chemicals for having such a well maintained frontage.Fine Chemicals received the floating trophy and a R500 Stodels gift voucher in appreciation of their efforts.

Other frontages that are also looking exceptionally good are;Stuttafords, Allied Pickfords,  MacBrothers, GlaxoSmithKline and Alnet

Accepting the trophy and gift voucher is Shafiek Faure from Fine Chemicals and Peter, who maintains the gardens, from Princeton Garden.

Feeding Scheme for December 2015

C Of N-Dec 15

We were once again able to make a generous donation to Church of the Nazarene in Bonteheuwel. 2 x 750 g coffee, 2 kg each of peanut butter and jam, 10 kg dry lentils, 10 kg dry soup mix, 20 kg samp and 24 cans each of pilchards, baked beans all donated by Giant Hyper. Accepting on behalf of the Church of the Nazarene is Reverend Quinton Williams.  

We once again thank all our sponsors for their continued dedication to this initiative in helping the less fortunate.