Category Archives: Council Wishlist

Business Retention Expansion Epping

Take the Survey: Business Retention & Expansion

In partnership with The City of Cape Town, the Epping City Improvement District recently launched its Business Retention and Expansion programme (BR&E) on 8 May 2023, aimed at identifying opportunities for local businesses and addressing obstacles to expansion and growth.

Epping’s Business Retention and Expansion programme (BR&E) aims to engage with businesses in the industrial area by means of a task team and a structured survey tool to identify business ideas, concerns, priorities and obstacles to retention and expansion.

The information gleaned from this survey will allow the task team to identify and understand the most pressing issues and develop action plans to address them. Proposals and action plans will be presented and discussed in a meeting of all participants at the end of the survey process. This meeting will provide a further opportunity to give input into improving the business environment of the Epping Industrial area.

The success of this programme is dependent on the participation of all businesses located in the Epping Industrial area. Please encourage your neighbouring businesses, suppliers, and customers in Epping to participate in the survey.

The survey can be accessed via the following Google form link:

Council Wishlist for 2014/15

Every year the Council gives individuals and companies an opportunity to forward their requests/needs concerning the spending of a portion of the ward allocation for the 2014/15 financial year.
Please download the wishlist form (available in the downloads section of the website) and forward all suggestions to the ECID office on or before 19 April in order for the ECID to compile and forward to Council by 1 May 2013.